Cleaning Dirty Dogs: A Comedy in Three Acts

Act 1: The 'Splish'

🚿 Dog: "What's that, human? Is it playtime or bath time?" 💦 Human: "Guess what, it's bath time!" 🐶 Dog: "Uh-oh. Time to escape!"

Act 2: The 'Splash'

💦 Dog: makes a run for it, shaking off suds and water 🛁 Human: "Nooooo!" 🧼 Dog: "Clean, not mean, human!"

Act 3: The 'Sploosh'

🚿 Dog: finally surrenders to the bath, looking like a drowned rat 🐶 Dog: "This is the price of muddy fun, isn't it?" 💦 Human: "At least we're both clean now!" 🛁 Dog: "So, when's the next mud party?"

See the dirty dogs of September and October 2023!


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